Hopefully u'ollz in a good condition n happy sokmo yep....heee ;)
Ok, now i'm free, free here means that i dah cuti n habis study kt Merlbouqe nuh....hohoho...
Seronok tak terkata, but at the same time, i'm feel soooo sad...Why? b'coz dah kena berjauhan with my BonBon...huhu...Walaupun xbrapa jauh but for me still far away.. wuarghhhh...Benda yg paling semua org yg in a relationship or married or complicated or whatever lah takot kannn....I hate dis situation damn much..huhu.. but i have to accept it..That's life...Alaa baru lah kehidupan kan namannya, sementara tunggu untuk menjadi yg halal n duduk bersama 1 bumbung kita kenalah di uji dulu kan...Dugaan yg perlu setiap orang lalui dan terima dengan hati terbuka n always positive with it.....
1) Avoid jelousy and be trusting....
One of the easiest ways to destroy a perfectly healthy relationship is to poison it with jealousy and drama. When you start a LDR, you must be realistic of the difficulties ahead. Whatever it is, u must trust ur partner as well ok...Jealous itu perlu but jangan terlebih cemburu la k...Baru2 ni i dengar Fadzillah Kamsah cakap nnt bila dah kawen suami wajib cemburu dekat isterinya....So makna kata, cemburu tu boleh but don't too over sampai memberi kesan kat relationship tu ok. and what's more important is u must trust ur partner.. Percaya itu penting tau, tambah2 bila dok jauh kan.....2) Be POSITIVE..
Staying positive and not focusing on the negative aspects of a LDR is essential to keep your relationship blooming and your partner content. Another positive point is that long distance dating pushes both of u to be more creative, to communicate better since u don't have "face-to-face" time and to test (and express) our feelings...Ok, honestly la kan i nak bgtau, masa hari last nk berjauhan with my Bon2, i think too much in negatively side..Uishh, when we think too much negative kan, rasa macam2 yg negative la...Emosi xtentu arah, rsa sedih je,but luckily my bon2 ada n serapkan nilai2 positive n comfort me with positive things n macam2 laa yg positive, so Alhamdulillah bila berjauhan i keep his positive words in my heart n slalu igt yg benda2 yg positive je.. As long as u see the long-distance relationship as a temporary state, you will keep your chin up and transmit that feeling of security and happiness to ur partner too...
3) Remember that you're still in a relationship....
If ur partner is ever in trouble, or hurt, or whatever lah kan, u have to be there for them. Make sure u are available to them so that they can reach u if they need u.. Although we're far away from our sweetheart, tu xbermakna kita xboleh help her/him or being with her/him kan? Hello, sekarang teknologi sudah berkembang ok, so many things we can do rite? cth make a call, be a good listener and give her/him ayat2 cinta eh2 bg ayat2 yg boleh memotivate kan die balik ke kan..Don't make her/him sad n think negatively tau..If they end up dealing with everything alone, they will eventually not need u. And sometimes, distance permitting of course, that means being actually, physically there for them.
4) If there's problem, solve it together.....
Well, misunderstanding is a common things in a relationship. Am i rite? Hmm, biasa la 2 kan, we're not perfect, human make mistakes rite? So, bila dah dok jauh lg banyak laa dugaan n salah faham 2 kan kan kan.. So, if there's misunderstanding, or bau2 mcm nak gaduh je kan, cepat2 la selesai kan problem tu,don't make it critical in ur relationship, bcoz its not good...One more thing jangan simpan2 or pendam perasaan tu, sbb tersangat lah dangerous ok. Kalau terasa hati or rasa macam benda xkena ke kan, cepat2 bagitau kat our partner tu, so that he/she know it n do somethings kan..Like me, if there's a prob n terasa hati kt my bon2 ke, i'll tell him n then lepas sent message berjela-jela tu, i akan mintak maaf balik, sbb maybe ada perkataan yg terguris hati or terasa hati gn i kan..Well, mcm i cakap tadi la kan, human make mistakes. So, better kita mintak maaf sebelum orang tu memaafkan kita walaupun benda yg jadi tu its not our fault ok..5) Do things together.
Defy the distance. As a long distance couple, it's important to do other things together besides the usual phone call. In a LDR, interaction over the phone can become dull in the long run. Incorporating other forms of interaction are important. Hello, ingat kalau dok jauh xboleh do things together ke hmm? It's not true ok. Kalau kita sayang n cinta kan seseorang tu, kita akan fikir n do many things that make the relationship more interesting n happy sokmo walaupun jasad jauh tapi kita akan rasa dekat je dengan yg tersayang. ..Ok, just think for a while....People in a short-distance relationships do not spend the majority of their time talking, but rather doing things with each other. So, try to replicate this by binding things to do together such as watching a TV show or movie simultaneously, or play on9 game or whatever that make u n ur partner happy together.
6) Try Challenging each other..
Try challenging each other. So what means by that? Ok, you may find that u can do things for each other that u couldn't quite fine the motivation to do on your own. Perhaps u could motivate yourselves to get some exercise or to cook better or more often. Cth, i cabar my bon2 utk jd lebih tough kan, nak suruh die ada 6packs ke 12packs ke kan, hehhee, n cabar xdak marble cheese kan, only him know what i means..hehe...opss, n haritue sebelum berjauhan dia ada cakap masakan i buat sedap but still kena belajar lagi kan, so that i take his challenge la, for me itu adalah cabaran la jugak kan.. So, it will give you something to do while u wait to see ur partner again, and it will give u both something to strive for and talk about until then.
7) Last but not least, for muslim, whatever u do, please don't forget pray to Allah, do ask
Him to bless ur relationship. We've to remember that, kita hanya merancang but Allah yg
menentukan segala-galanya.. Kita hanya mampu doakan yg terbaik untuk kita n pasangan
kita. Moga dia adalah jodoh yg terbaik buat kita.
Di sini ada bingkisan doa buat kekasih.
Buat kekasih hatiku BonBon, semoga kita akan terus bahagia and hopefully, hubungan kita kekal abadieslamanya n let pray to Him, may Allah bless both of us.
Ya Allah
Seandainya telah Engkau catatkan
Dia milikku, tercipta buatku
Satukanlah hatinya dengan hatiku
titipkan kebahagiaan di antara kami
agar kemesraan itu abadi.....
Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku Yang Maha Pengasih
Seiringkanlah kami melayari hidup ini
Ke ketepian yang sejahtera dan abadi
Maka jodohkanlah kami.....
Ya Allah yang tercinta
Pasrahkanlah aku dengan takdirMu
Sesungguhnya apa yang telah Engkau takdirkan
Adalah yang terbaik untuk hambaMu ini.....
Ya Allah
Cukuplah Engkau sahaja yang menjadi pemeliharaku
Di dunia dan di akhirat
Dengarlah rintihan dari hambaMu yang dhaif ini
Janganlah Engkau biarkan aku sendirian
Di dunia ini mahupun akhirat
Maka...kurniakanlah aku seorang pasangan yang beriman
Agar aku dan dia sama-sama dapat membina
Kesejahteraan hidup ke jalan yang Engkau redhai
Dan kurniakanlah padaku keturunan yang soleh dan solehah.....
Ya Allah
Berikanlah kami kebahagiaan di dunia dan di akhirat
Dan peliharalah kami dari azab api neraka....Amin
Dan bawah ni pulak doa Nabi Yusuf kepada Zulaikha:
" Ya Allah, sampaikan salam rinduku
kepada ...... (nama penuh insan tersebut ),
ngee.. long distance relationship! Good luck.. ada jodoh pasti bersatu..
ReplyDeleteAnyway, you join AFS? actually my family jadi hosted family for AFS student from spain and german.. ngee
sis Nina Hamdan~ Thx dear..InsyaAllah..A'aah i join AFS. :) oh really? best x? diorang dah balik ke?...
ReplyDeleteekceli LDR is nothing klau kita ikut tips tuu :DD
ReplyDeleteMaya~ yeah! dat's rite ;)
ReplyDeletePerkongisian yang menarik`
ReplyDeleteSinggah sini baca entri & FOLLOW sekali`
Jumpa link dalam Kelab Blogger Ben Ashaari`
Salam Perkenalan :)
Keep In Touch ^_^
Engku Muzahadin~ Thank Q. dh follow. :)
ReplyDeleteNice experience. Yang Spain tu around year to 2006 and German 2007.
ReplyDeleteWe still keep in touch with him from Spain! yeah.. tahun ni dia datang lagi..